Lots of Updates, Still no Pics

I need to break out the real camera and take some pics to post. My blog is awful bland with no pics.
I’ve been working on “Pink Barf” – got the suit picked apart and cut the legs off. Got new front pieces cut. I had to go back and re-dye them because the chunk of leftover material I dyed didn’t get in there long enough. I finished my shoes, and started on the gloves. I got one glove put together last night but not totally happy with it. The gussets are too big so I’m going to unpick them part of the way and cut them down and re-sew them.
I’m really hoping to be done with this costume by the end of the week.
So, so far…
Ms Marvel/Moonstone: 100% done
Donna Noble: 95% done
(repaint buttons & attach to jacket, make a loop for the belt, do I still want to dye the tank top?? probably.)
Lady Blackhawk: 90% done
(waiting on patches to arrive so we can decorate and attach.)
Marie Antoinette: 80% done
(attach other sleeve. reinforce hook-and-eyes on stomacher, wig, finish shoes, necklace. I THINK I can do all that this weekend.)
Sword Girl: 30% done
(still got a lot to do on this one. the suit is done, chase is working on accessories, I still have the wig and boots to do.)
Pink Barf: 60% done
(finish gloves, put suit back together, add zipper. chase is making hard parts.)
Fur Monster: 80% done
(finish cape, add zipper, make belt, get tights to attach boots to.)

finish upgrading corset, new crown, shorten skirt
chase working on hard parts, finish fixing corset issues, embroidery on corset? if I have time.)

Oh and, here is the latest update on K-9. I’m so geeked over him.